Top 5 best seo tips 2021

 SEO an important part of the marketing strategy in case your website doesn't show up on the first page of the search engine then you need to know about SEO   

 FAQ in post: create web pages that can answer faqs because moslty people just ask a question they begin the question with works like who ,when what ,however 

SELECTING KEYWORD :If you don’t know from which word or search term you want to rank your blog post at the top position, probably you won’t be able to optimize images, pages and content strategy to draw qualified traffic to your website.

Selecting a keyword is a important part if you want to rant your article in search engines you can use kefinder tool. Kefinder, is no doubt, one of the top Long-tail keywords finders with low SEO Difficulty. The tool is highly trending among SEOs and bloggers as it has come to limelight very fast due to its cost-effective pricing and free trail multiple products like Rank tracker, SERP miner,  Serp checker they have ability to find hidden gem long-taill keywords.they are available under one roof 

If you have chosen keyword that is not related to your website or niche and you have placed those keywords into your blog post then there is more chance that for short time your blog post may get ranked higher in search. Well, but you may loose traffic and user wont stick to your site as wrong keywords may mis-guide users.

 Mobile friendly :must people already know how important is it to make your site mobile friendly for a better user experience but did you also know that having a mobile friendly application impacts your search engine optimization  

Image Seo:Use interesting images on your website are optimized make sure to take care of it right now remember to use high quality images images and use a sort of a label for your image also include images in your sitemap as it becomes easier for the box to crawl increased investment on it you must optimize ation can help your vote show the image grocers on search engines

Post title :Your title tag is like that first meeting with someone new — that makes a first (and lasting) impression.first impression also determines whether someone will click on your page or not which is why informative, optimized, and interesting titles are a must.

What is an informative, optimized, and interesting title? that's Good question.

Informative: Your title must summarizes what your page is about, and without click-bait language.

Optimized: Your title uses your core keyword and is fifty five characters or less.


  1. Before we list the methods out, though, you should know that you should start abstaining several days in advance if you want to try home remedies. The more time you give these home remedies, the better your chances to pass a drug test. With that being said, let’s look at some of the most popular methods. Lemon juice and water When it comes to home remedies, we all know lemon juice and water. It’s a popular anti-dote for hangovers to flush out the toxins from your body and the high that comes with cannabis. But how should you use it to flush THC out of your system, and for how long? First of all, start abstaining at least a week before the test. Add a table spoon of lemon juice to 500ml of water, and, if possible, add lemon peel to the water as well. You’ll want to drink around 4 litres of this mixture daily for a week or so. Water Some people’s body just doesn’t agree with the acidity in lemon juice. The urine is sealed safely to prevent any leakage during transport. Open the safety seal only before use, and the heated powder that comes with the kit can quickly raise the temperature of the urine. Therefore, it is apt for any unprepared last-minute drug testing. For usual heating, use one heat pad, and it lasts for almost 10 hours once activated. Sample Preparation Pros Cons Despite a short notice given before a drug test, a lot of customers claimed to have passed drug tests by using the Quick Luck Premium Kit. They are elated with how this synthetic urine kit has saved their jobs. Most users could get the optimal temperature using only the heat bags.


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